Know Your Seller

Know Your Seller

We believe it is important that you should always know the company that you are dealing with. So here are a few things about us.

A Best-selling Company Trusted By Thousands Of Customers

Thousands Of Customers Worldwide
Customers from all continents

Celebrating 22 Years
We were e-commerce pioneers in 1996 and we’re still going strong.

Quality You Can Trust
We deal only in the best. If we wouldn’t have it, we won’t sell it.

Guaranteed Quality
Our generous no questions asked return policy is second to none.

Leading Customer Support
Response time is generally one day.

Prompt Delivery
Rapid order processing and shipping from the US and Europe gets your order to you quickly.

Great Customer Ratings
Across all the e-commerce platforms we use (eBay, Amazon, Etsy, our own stores) we enjoy excellent ratings with great feedback.

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